Internet Marketing / 2764 posts found

How Social Media Trends Can Influence Your SEO

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Whether it’s participating in the latest challenge, using a trending TikTok sound, or putting your own spin on a viral recipe, we all know social media trends provide a great opportunity to spread brand awareness and grow your brand’s social media following. But they can also be utilized to boost search engine results, driving traffic and sales to your website. If taking advantage of social media trends in one way or another isn’t a part of your brand’s digital marketing strategy just yet, read on. This article will show why it’s important to jump on board and provide you with […]

How To Add a Sparkline in Excel

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Excel is a great tool for all of your marketing needs. You can create graphs to visualize your data, use formulas to calculate conversion rates, or even create social media calendars. You can also monitor trends in your marketing campaign data and, in this post, we’ll explain how to do so with the sparklines tool. Already know what you need? Jump there with our Table of Contents. How to Add a Sparkline in Excel Create a Column Sparkline in Excel How to Ungroup Sparklines in Excel How to Mark Data Points in Sparkline Charts How to Color Code Excel Sparkline […]

50 Call-to-Action Examples You Can’t Help But Click

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Think about all the times you’ve signed up for things in your life. Did you once download Evernote? Dropbox? Spotify? Maybe you’ve even taken a class on General Assembly. Each one of these signups is likely a result of an effective call-to-action (CTA). Think about it: If you hadn’t been drawn in by the copy or design of the CTA, or been guided so eloquently through your sign-up process, you would probably use a lot fewer apps and websites than you do now. It’s really important to guide your visitors through the buying journey using strategic CTAs. What is a […]

What Is Brand Essence? 5 Examples

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If you had to describe yourself in less than five words, what would you say? For people, these words are the foundation of a personality. But for companies, they refer to the brand essence. All successful businesses have a core spirit that makes up the soul of the brand. At Dyson, it’s efficiency. At Disney, it’s magic. Defining brand essence is essential for building a cohesive brand identity, creating impactful marketing campaigns, and connecting with customers. Considering that over 75% of consumers buy from brands that share the same values, it’s important for companies to signal what matters most to […]

Best Social Media Management Tools

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In the world of social media marketing, there are hundreds of tools and software with features capable of helping you with different aspects of your social media strategy. These tools — also known as social media management tools — can assist with social media creation, collaboration, planning, scheduling , sharing, analysis, and more. In this blog post, we’ll cover what social media management tools are, how your team can benefit from them, and 12 of the best options available today. Let’s get started. Get certified in social media strategy with a free social media marketing course. Social Media Management Tools […]

The Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing

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The first marketing email was sent in 1978, resulted in $13 million in sales, and kicked off what has become one of the most highly used marketing channels even to this day. Given its early beginnings, email isn’t as shiny as some newer channels like messaging and social, but it is an effective way to build an owned audience that gets results. Your customers don’t give their information lightly, and — if used right — email marketing can be both a relationship-building and profit-building tool. So, how does email marketing actually work anyway? Now let’s review when you should use […]

Case Study: The ROI of Re-optimizing Content (Plus Bonus How-To)

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We’ve been re-optimizing Brafton’s blog content consistently since 2018. It’s been one of the main SEO strategies we’ve used to increase our blog traffic from 20,000 to 200,000 monthly visitors over the last three years, and we’re continuing with this strategy into 2022 (and probably beyond). For the purpose of this study, we wanted to answer the question, “How well does content re-optimization work, and is it worth your time?” But first, let’s back up and get some definitions out of the way. What is content re-optimization? In its simplest form, content re-optimization is the process of updating existing content […]

Should You Make the Move? An SEO’s Journey from Agency to In-House

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I’ve heard over and over from fellow SEOs that they just “fell into” the industry and didn’t know much about it beforehand. Well, I am no exception. I searched far and wide for a marketing job prior to graduating college in 2018, but it was my sister who introduced me to the concept of SEO. She suggested I apply to the agency she worked at, so I quickly started Googling to learn more about the concept. After my brief research and a few interviews, I found myself at a large digital marketing agency. I loved working at the agency with […]

The Top 7 Marketing Challenges Faced Globally in 2022 [HubSpot Data + Expert Tips]

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Every marketer faces different challenges. And, ever since 2020, the ways we’ve had to pivot, adjust campaigns, and address challenges has been unlike anything many of us have had to do before. And, even if you’ve somehow navigated the past two years without any surprising or tough marketing challenges, there’s likely at least one task, tactic, or strategy you’ve always wanted to improve upon.  Today, marketing is so fast-paced that it can be difficult to identify which areas you’ll want to develop to facilitate stronger growth in 2022 and beyond. For that reason, it’s important to pause for a moment […]

Everything Brands Need to Know About the Metaverse

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Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the internet and social media helped us connect with our coworkers, friends, and loved ones during times of extreme isolation. But, our web-based lifestyle wasn’t perfect. While you could see and talk to people, interactions still felt distant and impersonal. And, despite having every delivery app at our fingertips, we still missed going outside, exploring the world, and experiencing life to its fullest. And, for a small — but growing — group of people, that’s where the metaverse came in. Although metaverses are nothing new, we started hearing more buzz than ever about futuristic virtual reality […]
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