Internet Marketing / 2754 posts found

20 Ways to Effectively Increase Your Conversion Rate

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Have you ever heard the term “analysis paralysis”? It’s the concept that too many choices can inhibit a person’s ability to make a decision. Visitors to your website can experience this too if there are too many places to look or if there’s a confusing design. When this happens, visitors won’t convert. Therefore, increasing your conversion rate is beneficial to lowering your cost per acquisition. Below, let’s review how to increase your conversion rate for both your desktop website and mobile site. How to Increase Conversion Rate on Your Website 1. Use a CRO planner. Getting started with conversion rate […]

How to Decline a Job Offer

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Before you decline a job offer, ask yourself some key questions: Why are you no longer interested in the job? Are your reasons for losing interest short-term, or longer-term reasons that you can’t change? If you don’t accept the offer, will you regret turning it down? If you’ve answered all of these questions and still feel like you want to decline, read on to discover the different ways to decline a job offer. Know exactly what you need? Jump to one of the following sections: How to Decline a Job Offer Due to Salary How to Decline a Job Offer […]

What’s an Instagram Handle? (+4 Ideas to Help Create Your Own)

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Did you know Instagram has over 1 billion active users? With so many on the platform, it can be challenging to find one particular person or business. Enter the Instagram handle. You can think of a handle as the address to your Instagram page. It’s also what people search to find you. An effective handle quickly identifies you while being memorable. Here, we’ll discuss how to find and change a handle, ideas for creating your own, and whether it deserves a spot on your business card. It’s easy to confuse an Instagram handle with your Instagram name. However, they both […]

How to Make the Most of AI Writing Tools, According to Bloggers

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AI writing tools have come a long way since spellcheck. Today, bloggers and marketers use AI writing tools to generate short and long-form copy and speed up content production. But while AI writing software can assist in researching, outlining, and creating content, it’s not foolproof enough to cut out human writers completely. According to bloggers, AI writing can help supplement your writing process, but you still need to remain in the driver’s seat. Here’s what five bloggers and entrepreneurs had to say about how to use AI writing effectively, including what these tools are best for and where they fall […]

How to Use Custom Affinity Audiences: From Creation to Stellar ROI

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Reaching the right customers with your Google Ads campaigns is critical to increase conversions. While it’s possible that scattershot advertisements could catch the interest of Internet users, it’s far more likely that this general ad approach will result in a disconnect between dollars spent and sales made. To help ensure your ads are reaching the people in the right place, it’s worth leveraging a function in the Google Display Network (GDN) known as affinity audiences. Using these audiences helps pinpoint customer segments that may be more likely to purchase your products, in turn driving more effective and efficient ad spend. […]

Leveraging Synergies Between SEO and Other Channels: An Integrated Marketing Approach

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Because of its broad field, SEO has many touch points with a variety of different marketing channels. As other channels’ operations influence SEO, both directly and indirectly, it’s essential to deploy an integrated marketing approach in which each channel supports the other, in order to optimize marketing efforts and enhance your brand’s user experience. This article provides you with a number of different actionable tips for combining SEO with the marketing channels listed below, that will not only save you time, resources, and money, but will lead to even better results for your team and company: SEA Affiliate PR Social Media Email […]

5 Instagram Highlight Covers to Inspire You [+ Steps To Make Your Own]

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Today, your Instagram profile is like a mini-version of your website. Think of your profile page as your homepage and each tab as a different section of your website. Instagram Story Highlights serve as your navigation bar, each one points to a collection of Stories relating to a specific theme. You’ll find everything from “Meet the Team” and event recaps to FAQs and customer reviews on Highlight covers. While brands often set up their Highlights early on, many forget one important step: Designing Highlight covers. In this article, we’ll cover the steps to make your own Highlight covers, some tips […]

The Ultimate Guide to Google Sheets

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Google Sheets is one of the best tools you can use to store data, track performance metrics, and create dashboards and reports. But while it’s a wondrous tool with countless features and functionalities, it can be hard to grasp for beginners — especially if you need to create a marketing report or dashboard, fast. Not to worry. If you’re looking to get started with Google Sheets, you’re in the right place. In this guide, we’ll be looking at the benefits of Google Sheets and walking you through some of the basics so you can get up to speed quickly and […]

How to Run a Focus Group for Your Business

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When you’re developing or launching a new product, service, or business, you’ll want to have a general sense of how receptive your target market will be to it. Typically, this is done through extensive market research — and one key component of the research process is running a focus group. In this article, we’ll define what a focus group is, give you an agenda to follow when conducting on, explain how to run a focus group step-by-step, and help you plan your questions with a focus group questionnaire. What is a focus group? A focus group is a small group […]

Best Goal Setting Worksheet to Help You Plan & Achieve

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Accomplishing your goals is an incredibly gratifying feeling. However, it can sometimes be challenging to get that feeling, since achieving goals takes time, effort, and a structured process. This is why it’s important to create plans of action for meeting the goals that will help you stay motivated and ensure you’re on the right path. In this post, we’ll go over three goal-setting worksheets created by HubSpot to help you outline your goals with the SMART framework and create a plan for achieving them. The template is broken down into relevant sections to help you through the process, and if […]
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