Creative Data Networks

The Benefits of Outsourcing Your Company’s Digital Marketing

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As active users of social media platforms rise exponentially, digital marketing has become a vital part of growth for every business. However, it’s tough to attain success with digital marketing. The marketing professionals have to reach out to the target audience with the available resources. But, when also trying hard to manage your business; you … The post The Benefits of Outsourcing Your Company’s Digital Marketing appeared first on Digital Agency Network.

Free The Story: How B2B Marketers Can Use Digital Storytelling To Bring Content Alive In New Ways

How does digital storytelling help B2B marketers bring content to life in powerful new ways? With more B2B buying research and ongoing customer engagement than ever taking place online over the past two years, there have never been as many opportunities to benefit from digital storytelling, yet greater competition has made it vital to create content that truly stands out and engages. Let’s take a look at how well-crafted digital storytelling can propel B2B content to new successes, and how B2B marketers can breathe new life into content in a variety of digital formats. Empathy Transforms Digital Storytelling A shift […]

Hurry Up and Wait: On Writing and Getting Published

Lately, I’ve been experiencing this kind of déjà vu as it relates to the countdown to publication of my upcoming novel, Scarlet in Blue. It’s kind of a nagging feeling, like a mosquito bite on the middle of my back that I can’t reach to scratch. I find my foot and leg constantly moving up and down at a pretty-high speed, I’m biting the cuticles of my nails, and trying to perform slow breathing exercises to calm the tightness in my chest. Which doesn’t work because I can’t sit still. Anxiety, my doctor says. Like that was new information. But […]

User Search History As A Google Ranking Factor: What You Need To Know via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

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Check out the claims around user search history as a ranking factor and get clarity around the extent to which it impacts results. The post User Search History As A Google Ranking Factor: What You Need To Know appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

What Is Local SEO & Why Local Search Matters via @sejournal, @mirandalmwrites

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If you don’t have a dedicated local SEO strategy, you could be missing out on valuable opportunities to get found and engage customers. Here’s why. The post What Is Local SEO & Why Local Search Matters appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

5 Reasons Why Brands Lose Followers on Instagram [HubSpot Blog Data]

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According to HubSpot Blog Research, 14% of Instagram marketers report losing followers from 2020 to 2021. If you’re a part of that 14%, you may be panicking trying to figure out what’s causing the decline. Don’t fret – we’ve got you covered. Below, we’re covering the top reasons why brands lose followers on Instagram and how to regain them. Why am I losing so many followers on Instagram? 1. You’re not posting often enough or posting too much. When we surveyed Instagram marketers, 40% said that not posting enough is the number one reason why brands lose followers. Meanwhile, 33% […]

TikTok Trends B2B and B2C Marketers Should Watch in 2022

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According to Hubspot Blog Research, 44% of marketers currently leverage TikTok. As the short-form video platform continues to grow, some brands are struggling to figure out where they fit in. In fact, a 2022 report by InVideo shows that around 50% of brands like Google and IKEA still aren’t leveraging the platform. In this article, we’ll cover the top TikTok trends at a brand marketing level, how to find trends on the platform, and tips for joining them. Top TikTok Trends 1. More businesses are exploring the platform. According to HubSpot Blog Research, TikTok is the number one platform marketers […]

WD Presents: the 9th Annual Self-Published E-book Awards Winners, Your Story #116 Voting, and More!

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There’s always so much happening in the Writer’s Digest universe that even staff members have trouble keeping up. As a result, we decided to start collecting what’s on the horizon to make it easier for everyone to know what’s happening and when. This week, we’re excited to announce the winners of the 9th Annual Self-Published E-book Awards, Your Story #116 voting, and more! **** Presenting the 9th Annual Self-Published E-book Awards Winners! Congratulations to the winners of the 9th Annual Self-Published E-book Awards! Click to continue. **** Vote for Your Favorite “Your Story” Submission Now! Out of almost 400 entries, […]

Why Audiobooks Are Skyrocketing, and How Writers Can Take Advantage in 2022

Audiobooks are the fastest growing format in publishing, but what exactly does that growth look like, and what should authors be doing about it? In January 2022, The New York Times reported that book sales rose during the first year of the pandemic and kept rising, with sales increasing 13% from January to November of 2021 compared to the same period in 2020, according to the Association of American Publishers. Despite re-openings and a “return” to more varied forms of entertainment, reading remains on the rise. (15 Tips on How to Record an Audiobook So People Will Listen) Back in […]

How to Maintain Accuracy Across Multiple Plot Lines in Historical Fiction

Every time I attend a conference, class, or appear on a podcast, they inevitably ask the question: “Are you a pantser or a plotter?” (Research and Storytelling for Successful Historical Fiction) I want to wave the freedom flag with all the pantsers in the room. They describe sitting down at the computer watching as stories pour out of them. From beginning to end, a never-ending flow of brilliance and light. So, I tried the technique. I sat and waited for the muse to strike. I had the idea for a novel, but it was not filling the page, as my […]
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