Creative Data Networks

Mastering Facebook Ads In 2022 Through Incrementality

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There are many resources out there telling you how to optimize your Facebook ads to scale your business’s growth. And while I’m sure they can help in some aspects, you’re probably optimizing your campaigns based on the wrong metrics. In 2022, Facebook has 1.79 billion daily users. There are plenty of opportunities to create Facebook ads that will drive impressions, link clicks, leads, and more. However, these metrics only scratch the surface of how much impact your Facebook ads can truly have on your business. As more industry experts focus their media buying on incremental gains, marketers can better measure […]

Faster Frontiers: How Does 5G Technology Affect B2B Marketers?

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How will 5G technology change the way B2B marketers tell brand stories, and what new opportunities will the speedier forthcoming mobile standard offer? With impacts that will range from slight in some areas to deeply significant in others, the upcoming rollout of 5G cellular network technology is poised to change how the world of B2B marketing operates. “5G will unlock a raft of new applications: IoT, process management, and utility metering for enterprise; and augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), immersive haptic and 3D holographic experiences for consumers,” Kevin L. Jackson, CEO at GC GlobalNet, recently observed. Let’s take […]

How to Measure the Impact of Content Based on Intent

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When it comes to measuring the impact of content, you might think of KPIs like “sitewide conversion rate”, or picture an upward graph that shows an increase in traffic. But are those metrics really meaningful? In this piece, I’ll argue that, no, they’re not. Instead, let’s focus on getting you actionable insights that can help your content flourish, by measuring its impact in a meaningful way. The problem with sitewide conversion rates Unless your website is a one-pager, the likelihood is that not all of your pages have the same intent. So why do we still measure conversion rates across […]

How I Landed My Literary Agent at the Annual Writer’s Digest Conference Pitch Slam

I grew up around writing. My mother is the author of 75 traditionally published books. She had an agent, she has had a bevy of editors, her books have won awards and have sold hundreds of thousands of copies. Even so, she also has had a slew of titles go into remainders—leaving the shelves never to return. Not every book has been a success with her audience. (Julie Bogart: On Navigating the Digital World) As a passionate child-writer, I imagined I would like to write books one day. But I also knew that I wanted my books to last—to be […]

Wednesday Poetry Prompts: 602

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For today’s prompt, take the phrase “Happy (blank),” replace the blank with a word or phrase, make the new phrase the title of your poem, and then, write your poem. Possible titles might include: “Happy to See You,” “Happy Birthday,” “Happy You’re Happy,” and/or “Happy Now?” Also, feel free to replace “happy” with “happiness.”  Remember: These prompts are springboards to creativity. Use them to expand your possibilities, not limit them. Note on commenting: If you wish to comment on the site, go to Disqus to create a free new account, verify your account on this site below (one-time thing), and […]

4 Useful Tips To Make Keyword Rank Tracking More Efficient

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How do you speed up your rank tracking process? Start with optimizing your rank tracking process with these four tips. The post 4 Useful Tips To Make Keyword Rank Tracking More Efficient appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Faster, More Complete Content: How To Rank More In Less Time – Ep. 265 via @sejournal, @lorenbaker

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Looking for easier, faster ways to propel your site to the top of Google? Learn to spend less time creating content on the SEJ Show. The post Faster, More Complete Content: How To Rank More In Less Time [Podcast] appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

8 Steps to Building a Powerful Referral Program – A Comprehensive Step By Step Guide

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Referral programs are the most influential form of advertising that attracts the best kind of customers – the type of customers that spend more, stay longer, and refer other friends. Using a well-timed nudge and an easy way to get people to refer their friends, referral programs get a marketing message from person to person in … The post 8 Steps to Building a Powerful Referral Program – A Comprehensive Step By Step Guide appeared first on Digital Agency Network.

Party Time

Photo by Adi Goldstein on Unsplash I’ve been thinking about crowds and especially the sound of crowds a lot lately—something that’s been pretty absent for me for the last two years—and that got me thinking about parties. Birthday, retirement, anniversary, you name it, there’s usually a party to celebrate it. For this week, set your story at a party. Post your response (500 words or fewer) in the comments below.

The Story of a Heel: Notes on Memoir and Fiction

When I was in high school in East Germany, a substitute teacher—not our usual boring drone, who had fallen ill—gave us an unusual homework assignment: “Write a story from your life. Let your reader know what happened and how you felt about it. Work on it over the weekend and bring it in on Monday.” (Joel Agee: On Recreating Lost Time) The class erupted into a cacophony of protest: “It’s too hard! We’re not prepared! Does it have to be true?” “It needn’t be true,” the teacher said, “but it should be believable, and it should be a story. I […]
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