Creative Data Networks

Plot Twist Story Prompts: The Ultimatum

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Plot twist story prompts aren’t meant for the beginning or the end of stories. Rather, they’re for forcing big and small turns in the anticipated trajectory of a story. This is to make it more interesting for the readers and writers alike. Each week, I’ll provide a new prompt to help twist your story. Find last week’s prompt, Going Rogue, here. Plot Twist Story Prompts: The Ultimatum For today’s prompt, have a character give or face an ultimatum. The nice thing about an ultimatum is that it automatically creates tension for multiple characters (and the entire story as a result). […]

Karen Hamilton: On Cause and Effect

Karen Hamilton spent her childhood in Angola, Zimbabwe, Belgium, and Italy, and worked as a flight attendant for many years. Karen is a graduate of the Faber Academy and, having now put down roots in Hampshire to raise her young family with her husband, she satisfies her wanderlust by exploring the world through her writing. She is also the author of international bestseller The Perfect Girlfriend and The Last Wife. Karen Hamilton In this post, Karen discusses the “then and now” format of her new domestic thriller, The Ex-Husband, what she hopes readers get out of the experience, and more! […]

Google Says No Correlation Between Impressions And Search Volume via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

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Google’s Search Advocate John Mueller says the impressions your site receives for a keyword is not an indication of the search volume for that keyword. The post Google Says No Correlation Between Impressions And Search Volume appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Google Study: 90% Of Customers Will Share Their Email For An Incentive via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

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A study between Google and Boston Consulting Group shows 90% of customers will share their email address for a small incentive, such as a discount. The post Google Study: 90% Of Customers Will Share Their Email For An Incentive appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

How to Write a Blog Post: A Step-by-Step Guide [+ Free Blog Post Templates]

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If you’ve ever read a blog post, you’ve consumed content from a thought leader that is an expert in their industry. Chances are if the blog post was written effectively, you came away with helpful knowledge and a positive opinion about the writer or brand that produced the content. Anyone can connect with their audience through blogging and enjoy the myriad benefits that blogging provides: organic traffic from search engines, promotional content for social media, and recognition from a new audience you haven’t tapped into yet. If you’ve heard about blogging but are a beginner and don’t know where to […]

The Quick & Easy Guide To Freezing Rows in Excel

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Without freezing rows or columns in your Excel spreadsheet, everything moves when you scroll through the page, as shown in the gif below. This can be frustrating if you can’t always see key data markers that explain what data is what, like column headers or row titles. As with many things on Excel, there are tricks that help you make your spreadsheets easier to read, like the freeze function. In this post, learn how to freeze rows and columns in Excel to ensure that, when you scroll around, you’ll always be able to view the key data points that matter most. […]

Saraband: Poetic Forms

This week’s poetic form appears to have started in the Spanish colonies of South America as a type of music and dance (originally referenced as zarabanda) that crossed the Atlantic back over to Spain, before moving into France, Italy, and England. Apparently, the dance was originally considered so sinful that it was banned in 16th century Spain. Here are the guidelines: 7 lines Poem can have either eight or 10 syllables per line I found five different rhyme schemes differentiated by language (Spanish: aaabcbc; English: axabcbc; French: axabbcc; and Italian: aaabccb or axabccb) There are also poets who mention combining […]

4 Truths About Dealing With Grief All Writers Should Know

Writers, as those of you reading this know well, are artists. We have the ability to put into words what others feel but cannot convey—whether it is love, anger, envy, or, as it so happens, the heavy weight of grief and despair. According to existential theorists like Irvin Yalom, death is one of the “givens of existence” for human beings, and how we approach this “given” has a profound impact on the way we find meaning and lead our lives.  (5 Ideas for Writing Effective Grief in Fiction.) As writers, we have a powerful responsibility in the words we serve […]

20 Social Media Marketing Myths to Leave Behind in 2022

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Like any major marketing strategy of the past decade, social media has had plenty of time to accumulate some big myths. And despite the fact that data has disproven a number of marketing myths today, some marketers will still hold onto a few, simply because it’s hard to keep up-to-date on what’s really going on with social media. To help you separate fact from fiction, I put my MythBusters hat on and drudged up some of the most common social media myths out there. Let’s dive into some social media myths we’ve all probably heard from colleagues or friends and […]

12 Best Pricing Page Examples To Inspire Your Own Design

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Your pricing page is a prime opportunity to take control of the price conversation and make it even easier for people to buy. Searching for a product’s price is a natural part of a customer’s buying decision. The majority of people who have made it down the funnel far enough to consider buying from you will likely look at your pricing page. What does a great pricing page look like? To inspire you, we break down the must-haves of a good pricing page and share the best examples of pricing page design. Check them out below. What makes a great […]
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