Creative Data Networks

Write Books Or Blog – Which Is The Most Profitable?

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If you are thinking about publishing for an income, is it better to write books or blog regularly? Each one has advantages and disadvantages. But the critical element for both is that you know how to write well. The most significant difference between being an author and a blogger is that you need good technical skills to make an income from blogging. But for authors, publishing books using self-publishing is a relatively straightforward process. Deciding to write books or blog content One of the best ways to improve your writing is to start a blog. But you have to maintain […]

Leveraging Synergies Between SEO and Other Channels: An Integrated Marketing Approach

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Because of its broad field, SEO has many touch points with a variety of different marketing channels. As other channels’ operations influence SEO, both directly and indirectly, it’s essential to deploy an integrated marketing approach in which each channel supports the other, in order to optimize marketing efforts and enhance your brand’s user experience. This article provides you with a number of different actionable tips for combining SEO with the marketing channels listed below, that will not only save you time, resources, and money, but will lead to even better results for your team and company: SEA Affiliate PR Social Media Email […]

Michigan Quarterly Review: Market Spotlight

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(Editor’s note: MQR has updated their open submission period to March 1 to April 1 for 2022.) Founded in 1962, Michigan Quarterly Review is the flagship literary journal of the University of Michigan. It publishes distinctive poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction (and works of translation) by writers from around the world. (The Iowa Review: Market Spotlight.) The editors say, “Our magazine embraces creative urgency and cultural relevance, aiming to challenge conventions and address long-overdue conversations. As we continue to promote an expansive and inclusive vision, we seek work from established and emerging writers with diverse aesthetics and experiences.” This is […]

Paul Vidich: On Romance in Espionage

Paul Vidich is the acclaimed author of The Mercenary, The Coldest Warrior, An Honorable Man, and The Good Assassin, and his fiction and nonfiction have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, LitHub, CrimeReads, Fugue, The Nation, Narrative Magazine, Wordriot, and others. He lives in New York City. Find him on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Paul Vidich Photo by Bekka Palmer In this post, Paul discusses the inspiration behind his new literary spy novel, The Matchmaker: A Spy in Berlin, the drafting process and his beta readers, and more! Name: Paul VidichLiterary agent: Will Roberts, The Gernert CompanyBook title: The Matchmaker: A […]

7 Big Enterprise Content Marketing Strategies You Need To Know [Webinar] via @sejournal, @hethr_campbell

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Enterprise Brands: How valuable is your content to your target audience? Are you seeing higher bounce rates? [RSVP For This Webinar] The post 7 Big Enterprise Content Marketing Strategies You Need To Know [Webinar] appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

SEO For Tourism: How To Outrank The Competition & Get Found via @sejournal, @lorenbaker

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Is your Tourism SEO strategy ready to set sail? Learn how to make sure that your business is the one future travelers are seeing first. The post SEO For Tourism: How To Outrank The Competition & Get Found appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

5 Instagram Highlight Covers to Inspire You [+ Steps To Make Your Own]

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Today, your Instagram profile is like a mini-version of your website. Think of your profile page as your homepage and each tab as a different section of your website. Instagram Story Highlights serve as your navigation bar, each one points to a collection of Stories relating to a specific theme. You’ll find everything from “Meet the Team” and event recaps to FAQs and customer reviews on Highlight covers. While brands often set up their Highlights early on, many forget one important step: Designing Highlight covers. In this article, we’ll cover the steps to make your own Highlight covers, some tips […]

The Ultimate Guide to Google Sheets

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Google Sheets is one of the best tools you can use to store data, track performance metrics, and create dashboards and reports. But while it’s a wondrous tool with countless features and functionalities, it can be hard to grasp for beginners — especially if you need to create a marketing report or dashboard, fast. Not to worry. If you’re looking to get started with Google Sheets, you’re in the right place. In this guide, we’ll be looking at the benefits of Google Sheets and walking you through some of the basics so you can get up to speed quickly and […]

Get Published With the Latest Market Books Editions

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Recently, I’ve had the pleasure of announcing the release of each of the new editions of the Market Books series. In this post, we collect them all together and help explain which edition is probably best for your writing project and publishing goals. Writer’s Market, 100th Edition Also known as “the big book,” Writer’s Market has the most listings of paying markets for writers of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. In addition to helpful articles on the business of writing, this book includes listings for literary agencies, book publishers, magazines, and writing contests. Best for writers of multiple writing genres and/or […]

Wednesday Poetry Prompts: 598

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Quick note: Moriah Richard began her second annual February Flash Fiction Challenge yesterday on February 1. Here’s the prompt for Day 1 (yesterday), AND here’s the prompt for Day 2 (today). I wrote and posted a short short yesterday, and I’m thinking of one for today. In a way, flash fiction is a sort of prose poetry. Happy Groundhog Day! For today’s prompt, write a deja vu poem. Many people have those moments of experiencing something in a way that it feels like it was previously lived exactly the same way. I know I experience it more the older I get. […]
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