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NFTs Are Helping Communities Fight Mega Tourist Developments

in art, News
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Akumal is a small village in Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula region. Due to its geographical location, most government funding and development projects failed to reach Akumal, which is why most of the region and its population remained underserved for years. However, things began to change in 2018 when local bakery owner Jennifer Smith launched the Akumal Arts Festival. The event aimed to bring prosperity to the village by making it a safe and attractive place for tourists using art. Every year, artists arrive in Akumal and decorate the town’s walls with beautiful paintings. These efforts grabbed the attention of local authorities, […]

Fvckrender Q&A: Undoxxed Founders and the Future of LVCIDIA NFTs

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The metaverse is taking shape before our eyes, and artists like Fvckrender, aka Frederic Duquette, are making it happen. A 3D artist by trade, Fvckrender creates deeply moving works — some of which have sold at Sotheby’s and Christie’s for thousands. The Vancouver-based artist has worked with Lil Nas X, Lebron James, Puma, Spotify, Instagram, Supreme, Christian Dior, Hypebeast, and many other big names. After selling NFTs on marketplaces like SuperRare and NiftyGateway, he wanted more. So he’s entering the metaverse — or rather, building his own called LVCIDIA. LVCIDIA is an immersive virtual gallery filled with sculptures that represent […]

Fractional NFTs: The Good, the Bad, and the Weird

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NFTs can be difficult to understand. Blockchain tech itself makes for some pretty dense reading material after all, and the idea of digital asset ownership — especially when art is concerned — definitely doesn’t help simplify things. But if there was any subsection of NFTs that should (in theory) make more sense than any other, that would surely be fractional NFTs. Fractional ownership is an investment approach that has been around for decades. With fractional ownership, the cost of an asset is split up into fractions and is shared between individual investors — a.k.a shareholders. Of course, fractional ownership can […]

Upcoming Drops: April 25 – May 1

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Let’s face it: The NFT space moves really fast. Considering how quickly things can change in the metaverse, a week in NFTs might as well be a month IRL. Don’t get us wrong — the more people onboarded into the space, the merrier. But because of the constant influx of great art and ideas, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to keep up with all the news, launches, and general happenings. Well, you can put the days of endless Twitter and Discord scrolling behind you, as we’ll be coming up with a weekly list of upcoming NFT drops you definitely don’t want […]

How NFTs Are Helping Create a More Just and Equitable World

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While we often talk about the vast amounts of money some NFTs sell for, not all auctions are about generating profit for profits’ sake. Some serve as fundraisers for all sorts of causes — from humanitarian efforts for the ongoing Ukraine-Russia conflict to off-kilter initiatives to help take on medical debts in the US.  Joining the list of NFT auctions for noble causes are ConfrontART and mintNFT. Together, their SEEINJUSTICE event will raise funds for three charities focused on combating injustice. Visual art meets social justice Founded by Andrew Cohen and Lindsay Eshelman in 2020, ConfrontART promotes diversity and education […]

NASA and SpaceX Crew to Deliver Azuki’s Bobu NFTs to the Space Orbit

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The trendsetting NFT brand Azuki never ceases to surprise, driving its large community straight to the Moon. Now, in the literal sense!  Just imagine, the 2K Bean Farmer NFTs by Azuki, stored on the Ledger hardware wallet, are about to travel to the International Space Station! The full collection of Bobus will join the NASA and SpaceX Crew-4 astronauts in their one-month stellar journey. To hype on the upcoming mission, Azuki teased their 280K Twitter community with a joyful post, saying, “One small step for farmers. One giant leap for beans.” The Azuki’s officials have also announced another partnership with […]

People Are Using NFTs to Create Literal Empires

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A business empire is often defined as a large commercial organization or group of businesses owned or controlled by one person or entity. These organizations are powerful and governed by a centralized authority. For example, think of the Big Tech behemoths of the Web2 world – Meta, Amazon, and Google. With much of the core ethos of Web3 based around decentralization and community control, it’s counterintuitive to describe any Web3 organization, no matter the size, as an empire. But it seems that this is exactly what some Web3 organizations are becoming. Except that, instead of immediately turning to institutional funding […]

Undervalued: Metascapes, Savage Droids, Worldwide Webb, and More

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Traversing the world of non-fungibles is a daunting task. With so many new NFT projects, artists, and large-scale collections cropping up weekly, it has become nearly impossible to keep up with all the new and exciting happenings. Previously, all that was needed to find the latest NFT craze was a simple browse through OpenSea. But things have changed drastically since the 2021 NFT boom. Now, NFT enthusiasts have to be really mindful of what and where they collect. To aid in the unearthing of awe-inspiring NFT endeavors both new and old, nft now presents Undervalued: a weekly column highlighting innovative projects, […]

Reli3f NFT Project Raised 1.5 Million in Two Drops to Provide Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine

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The major fundraising web3 project Reli3f is the best example of how socially significant NFTs can be. Founded back in February right after the Russian troops crossed the Ukrainian borders for war, the project has managed to raise a whopping $1.5 million so far. Reli3f is the brainchild of the group of web3 entrepreneurs – Satvik Sethi, Andrew Wang, Giovanni Gussen, Aleksandra Artamonovskaja, Raskalov, and developer SignorCrypto. The team of founders has managed to reach out to the world’s creative community and draw the attention of thousands of people to the war in Ukraine. Thus, 62 renowned artists donated their […]

Art for Good: How Ukrainian Children Are Helping Fund Humanitarian Efforts via NFTs

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Various entities throughout the Web3 space have stepped up to aid in fundraising efforts for Ukraine during its ongoing conflict with Russia. One initiative in particular hopes to shed light on some of the country’s most affected, yet underrepresented voices: Ukraine’s children. “Their youth is still not lost” The ongoing humanitarian crisis in Ukraine has left thousands of children with uncertain futures. Stuck underground in bomb shelters, bunkers, and train stations, many of these kids have turned to art to pass the time. Ukrainian-born artist Bonnie Panasenko hopes to give all these displaced children a unified voice with the digital […]
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