Build My Platform / 4 posts found

How to Use Patreon as a Freelancer’s Tool

Patreon is the mechanism providing you with an online subscription service where you and your followers meet up and share the same lingo. They receive something creatively unique, and you relish the freedom of creative expression while earning a few dollars.  (4 Places for Freelancers to Find Those First Clients.) You’ll find over 200,000 creators on Patreon, and the definition of creativity varies far and wide, with some using it for their primary income, and others as a sideline tool. Become a Patreon Creator You have the option to utilize Patreon as a patron or a creative provider, or both. […]

5 Skills to Master Before You Launch Your Book

In the good old days, authors worked hard to revise, hone, and shape their books until they fairly gleamed, then sat back with a sigh of relief and turned their precious baby over to their publisher’s marketing team to do the rest. Those days are over. (How I Landed My Literary Agent at the Annual Writer’s Digest Conference Pitch Slam) Not a week goes by without groans from my fellow debut authors in private Facebook groups. “I mean, isn’t it enough I wrote the darn thing, now I have to publicize and market it as well? Is that my job?” […]

3 Reasons to Update Your Book on Amazon

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Did you know Amazon sells nearly 50% of all print books and over 70% of all e-books in America? No other retailer comes close to their dominant marketshare of the industry. If you want to sell more books, you must master selling books on Amazon. (3 Crucial Changes to the Book Publishing Industry.) For example, if you have a book displayed on Amazon’s website that looks outdated or lacks convincing marketing copy, you could be losing sales on a daily basis. Fortunately, you can take easy steps to improve the appearance of your book on Amazon. Here are three reasons […]

How To Create a Podcast, Develop an Audience, and Get Your Novel Published

I must be honest: When I decided to turn my debut novel, Messenger, into MESSENGER: A Podcast in 16 Episodes, I had no idea what I was doing. How did my life-long dream and journey to publish a book take a detour, a clinamen (one of Messenger’s concepts defined as a slight swerve that changes everything)? Creating a podcast was the last thing I expected. (5 Things I Learned From Co-hosting a Book Podcast) Timing Is Everything: Get It Out Messenger tells the story of Messenger, a mysterious woman who delivers life-changing messages to seemingly random people all over New […]
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