B2B Marketing / 47 posts found

Who Is the New B2B Buyer and How Do You Connect with Them?

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We all know that Millennials are out-of-control college kids doing shots on Spring Break. And Gen Z are the 10-year-olds currently being raised by TikTok, right?  Hold onto your hats: The youngest Millennials are in their late-twenties. The oldest Gen Zs are 25 — that means they’re out of school and in the workforce. These two demographics are the fastest-growing cohort of B2B buyers.  And they don’t think like Boomers or Gen Xers. So how do B2B marketers reach these mysterious digital natives? Here are a few pointers. How to Connect with the New B2B Buyer You don’t need the […]

5 Timely B2B Marketing Tips I’ve Learned From 15 Years As A Remote Worker

With hybrid and remote work here to stay and digital-first marketing on the rise, how can B2B marketers make the most of these important shifts? Although I’ve written about remote work before, in pieces including “Remote Communication Opportunities For B2B Marketers,” “Day 4,777: Remote Work Tips From 13+ Years As A Distance Marketer,” and “Hybrid & Remote Work Trends That Will Alter The Future Of B2B Marketing,” the permanent changes to where and how we work have significant implications that will affect B2B marketers forever, so it’s time to reassess. Let’s take a close look at five ways B2B marketers […]

How to Elevate Your B2B Marketing Career: Advice from Execs at Top B2B Brands

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As the talent that drives the B2B marketing world re-evaluates the meaningfulness, purpose and balance of their work and personal life, many B2B brands are also working hard to elevate how they do business. From creating better marketing experiences for customers to improving the employee experience, connecting the work to a purpose that is about more than profits and revenue is increasingly important. But here’s the thing, it’s always been time for B2B brands to think and act on opportunities to improve opportunities for the people that power the company from front line workers in customer call centers to engineers […]

What Cannes Lions’ New Creative B2B Award Categories Mean For Marketers

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The venerable Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity has been around in one form or another since the 1950s, offering brands worldwide the opportunity to showcase their top marketing work and advertising talent. They haven’t had specific B2B marketing awards, however. Until now. What do B2B marketers need to know about the new Creative B2B Lions, which will launch during Cannes Lions 2022 this summer? Let’s explore what’s on tap with the launch, and what B2B marketers and other creative professionals can look forward to learning from the new B2B awards portion of this preeminent event. Welcoming The Creative B2B […]

B2B Marketers: It’s Time to Make Inclusive Language a Priority. Here’s How.

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If you’re in the business of marketing, I don’t need to tell you that words have power. They have the power to influence. The power to endear. The power to alienate. If you’re in the business of marketing, I don’t need to tell you how undesirable that last effect is. It’s the risk today’s brands are running if they fail to make inclusive language a priority. The words used in content and communications speak volumes about a company’s values. Following a few simple guiding principles can make a big difference in projecting a brand culture and community that are welcoming […]

In-Person, Virtual & Hybrid: How To Get The Most From B2B Marketing Events In 2022

How can B2B marketers get the most from events in 2022, whether they’re in-person, all-virtual, or in any of several combinations of hybrid formats? The marketing event landscape in 2022 may not be as topsy-turvy and uncertain as it was in 2021, yet there’s no shortage of questions many events are still facing. Some have chosen to hedge their bets as long as possible, waiting to see whether an in-person format will work for their audience. Others have gone all-in with one format or another, hoping that their event won’t have to make last-minute format changes as the winds of […]

Three Steps to Elevated B2B Marketing in 2022: Innovate, Collaborate, Accelerate

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B2B marketers have faced unprecedented challenges over the past two years but I am one of those people that genuinely sees these times as an opportunity. Working in the marketing industry, especially at a B2B marketing agency, means being adaptable and engaged in a constant state of improvement aka ABO (always be optimizing). Information overload, changing buyer behaviors towards digital first information experiences and the dramatic increase in content competition mean B2B marketers cannot win simply be creating more content or chasing the latest shiny object tactic. In these times of elevated digital savviness and access to digital content consumption, […]
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