Creative Data Networks

6 Common Robots.txt Issues & And How To Fix Them via @sejournal, @TaylorDanRW

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Where robots.txt errors are concerned, prevention is definitely better than cure. Here’s how to fix the most common mistakes. The post 6 Common Robots.txt Issues & And How To Fix Them appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Conductor Acquires ContentKing To Offer Real-time SEO Monitoring via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

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Conductor announces its first major move after raising $150M in funding with the acquisition of ContentKing, a real-time SEO auditing and monitoring technology. The post Conductor Acquires ContentKing To Offer Real-time SEO Monitoring appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

What Is B2B Marketing Automation Plus the Best Software

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Marketing automation allows your team to increase productivity while simultaneously nurturing more leads. Within the category of marketing automation tools are B2B marketing automation tools — software that’s ideal for the B2B marketer. B2B Marketing Automation B2B marketing automation allows you to streamline marketing tasks and role responsibilities through workflows and triggers. B2B marketing automation is meant to help your team stay productive and efficient while nurturing your leads. B2B Marketing Automation Examples Here are some examples of how you might use B2B marketing automation on your team. Trigger follow-up workflows after leads visit high-intent web pages (e.g. product page, […]

What Is Content Operations? A Straight-Forward Guide

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In a 1996 essay, Bill Gates wrote, “Content is king,” and what was true then is still true now. Content is necessary to the success of a business. If the content is the king, we could say its operations are the queen — or at least a knight. Imagine a startup that wants to create a blog post. It’s a timely post that needs to be up before the end of Q1. Because the startup is new, it hasn’t established concrete operations for blog content. So, the post sits in a Google document with no plan for who uploads the […]

Here, There & Everywhere: What Does Best-Answer Content Mean For B2B Marketers in 2022?

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Fundamentally by its very nature, there will always be a single truly best answer to any question. So how is best-answer B2B marketing content any different in 2022 than it’s previously been? Providing that best solution — or to use the term our CEO and co-founder Lee Odden has been using since at least 2011 —  being the best answer, may indeed be a singular solution, however the effort that B2B marketers need to make in 2022 to achieve it has changed in several important ways. Let’s take a look at the key ways that being the best answer in […]

PPC Management – All In One Place. The First Turnkey White-Label PPC Platform via @sejournal, @oxbird_com

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No other white-label PPC solution provides its users with a platform that governs every nuance of the outsourcing process. The post PPC Management – All In One Place. The First Turnkey White-Label PPC Platform appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Page Speed As A Google Ranking Factor: What You Need To Know via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

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Does Google’s organic search algorithm factor page speed into its rankings? Here’s what you need to know about page speed for SEO. The post Page Speed As A Google Ranking Factor: What You Need To Know appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

How To Write About Love While the World Is Falling Apart

I wrote what I hoped would be a slightly unconventional novel that would ideally be really accessible. It took me a long time to figure out how to do this! Part of the problem was that when I was in middle school and they tried to get us to write short stories, they would tell us to write a summary of what was going to happen and then write the story. This is great! Here’s the problem: If I write out what’s going to happen in the story, then I already wrote the story. I have no idea how to […]

Writer’s Digest Presents: Flash Writing (Podcast, Episode 2)

In the second episode of the Writer’s Digest Presents podcast, Amy, Robert, Moriah, and Michael discuss flash fiction, short stories, and the origin of the February Flash Fiction Challenge. This includes sharing their own personal favorites and how reading short fiction is different than reading a novel. Then, Robert has a conversation about flash nonfiction with Gina Barreca, author or editor of more than 20 books, including Fast Funny Women: 75 Essays of Flash Nonfiction and They Used to Call Me Snow White But I Drifted: Women’s Strategic Use of Humor. Quote on writing flash pieces: “You have to see […]

How to Sell Your Novel: Learn Essential Steps Here

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Writing a book is hard work. The crying, frustration, and stress of getting all those words down on paper (and it is fun!) but let’s be honest: Writing is work. Knowing how to sell your novel is even more work. But what about selling your book once it’s published? Marketing Your Novel This is—for every author—when the real work begins. You created this great book, and now, you have to sell it and try to recoup your money from the initial book production investment. Now, I said it was a lot of work, but it’s the part of the process […]
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